ACOFP Regional and State Society Team Resource Guide

Welcome to the ACOFP Regional and State Society Team Resource Guide, your comprehensive toolkit for developing and improving your society. ACOFP societies play a crucial role as advocates for osteopathic family medicine, offering members essential professional networks and local continuing medical education opportunities.

National Leadership Visits and Partnerships
Request for a member of the ACOFP Board of Governors to visit or present to your society, here. And d
iscover additional information about national and state collaborative educational initiatives, here.

State and Regional Society Executive Director Town Hall Recordings
Explore the archive of past town hall recordings within the eLearning Center, available as a valuable resource for State Society Executive Directors, here.

State and Regional Society Webinars On-Demand

Leadership Succession Series (LSS)
This three-part webinar series will explore creating space for members and for volunteers, inviting members and volunteers into that space and supporting volunteers to increase their involvement and engagement.

Who’s Up Next: Leadership Succession
Leadership succession doesn’t happen on its own. We need to nurture volunteerism in our organizations. It begins with understanding what is driving today’s member to volunteer. This webinar explores the effective practices that assures your group has today’s and tomorrow’s leaders.

Content, Conversations & Communications

Yes, we can engage members and volunteers over the airwaves and the web – without hosting a meeting. In fact, content and conversations are the core of the value we deliver to members. This webinar focuses on tips for refreshing our communications strategy to tap in content and create conversation.

Keeping Sponsors By Your Side

Let’s tackle a shared challenge: sponsor engagement. Yes, sponsors still want to be in the game however with the rules changed, they need the options to be changed. Associations that are succeeding have done just that. This webinar shares strategies and quick-win tips.

New Ideas for Engaging Members in the New Year
Virtual is still the rule of the day for many of us. It’s a new year though so how can we engage virtually in new days? Can we get beyond Zoom? Let’s explore ways to connect with members. This webinar shares the successes and explores a new engagement activities.

Unlocking Membership Retention - Creating Connection
Listen to the an industry expert on why members are joining your state association and tips on how to deliver messages and member services in the midst of a pandemic and many disruptions in society and the profession. This webinar will be take you through some tips and tricks that state societies can employ to engage and retain members.

Best Practices and Tips on Moving Your In-Person Meeting to a Virtual Meeting
Listen to the ACOFP staff on their experience when they pivoted from their traditional live Annual Convention in 2020 to a virtual event. Best practices and tips for insurance, contracts and registration; preparing speakers for the transition from live to virtual; developing a marketing strategy for a virtual meeting; virtual platforms, and overall suggestions for pre, post and live situations.
View the ASAE article How an Association Turned Its Major Conference Into a Virtual Event in a Week which features the ACOFP’s journey to going virtual.

Board Orientation Best Practices
Listen to the ACOFP leaders and staff to ensure your state board member orientation includes all the best practices and necessary information.