Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders

Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders represent 0.5% of the U.S. Population.

This group represents Hawaii, Guam, Somoa and other Pacific Islands.

The states with the highest population of this group are: Hawaii, California, Oregon, Washington, Texas, Nevada, Florida and Utah.

About 34% of this group is under 18 years old.

In comparison to other ethnic groups Native Hawaiians/ Pacific Islanders have higher rates of smoking, alcohol consumption and obesity.

Leading causes of death are cancer, heart disease, accidents, strokes and diabetes.

Other prevalent health conditions are HIV/AIDS, TB and Hepatitis B.

National Hawaiians/PI were 4 times more likely to be obese vs Asian Americans.

More than 80% of people with Diabetes are obese.

NH/PI in 2010 were four times more likely to die from a CVA than non-Hispanic Whites to die from a stroke than non-Hispanic Whites.

Native Hawaiian mothers were two times more likely not to begin prenatal care until the third trimester.