Join a National Committee of the Student Association to the ACOFP

Learn more about how to apply to serve a one-year term on the Education, Membership Recruitment, Public Relations, or Resolutions Committees of the Student Association of the ACOFP.  

Getting involved with a national student committee is an opportunity for any student to form professional and personal relationships, sharpen their leadership skills and support the mission of the Student Association of the ACOFP. 


Education Committee

The Education Committee's mission and objectives are focused on engaging students and promoting educational advancement by developing osteopathic family medicine topics, researching areas of interest to our student members, and disseminating relevant materials through ACOFP. Activities include:

  • Contribute two monthly articles related to osteopathic family medicine to be published on the blog and student newsletter.
  • Conduct research on subjects pertinent to our student interests.
  • Assess and recommend OMT resources for the student eLearning Center.
  • Conduct podcast interviews featuring academic family medicine leaders and diversity of career options in family medicine.
  • Collaborate on the student programs and workshops at the ACOFP Annual Convention.
  • Collaborate with other committees of the Student Association of the ACOFP, NSEB and ACOFP.

Membership Recruitment Committee

The Membership Recruitment Committee's mission and objectives are to support local chapter leadership with membership recruitment incentives, creating and sharing resources for chapter membership recruitment activities, and serving as a resource for chapters and monitoring the membership. Activities include:

  • Collaborate with chapter presidents on their first-year student recruitment activities and fairs.
  • Assist in promoting ACOFP and increasing student membership.
  • Assist in developing a membership recruitment toolkit for promoting ACOFP membership on campus.
  • Collaborate with the Chapter Outreach Director for assisting new chapters in building a membership.
  • Work with the NSEB, ACOFP Membership Committee and ACOFP.

Public Relations Committee

The Public Relations Committee's mission and objectives are to develop campaigns to promote student involvement through ACOFP channels of public communication, highlighting student and chapter engagement and osteopathic family medicine. Activities include:

  • Submit monthly social media posts and blogs highlighting osteopathic medical students and chapter activities.
  • Developing content and fostering awareness months, appreciation weeks, and national days through social media promotion.
  • Identifying, gathering, and promoting the use of social media handles for student chapters and COMS.
  • Collaborate with ACOFP on the Jobs of Tomorrow project, as needed.
  • Collaborate with other committees of the Student Association of the ACOFP, NSEB and ACOFP.

Resolutions Committee

The Resolutions Committee's mission and objectives are to act as a voice for osteopathic medical students by researching, developing, and submitting resolutions to the ACOFP Congress of Delegates on topics important to student members and osteopathic family medicine.

  • Survey and engage student membership for topics of interest and resolution support.
  • Research, create and submit resolutions to the National Student Executive Board for submission to the ACOFP Congress of Delegates.
  • Encourage student delegate participation at the state level.
  • Collaborate with the National Student Executive Board, ACOFP Resolutions Review Committee, and the national office.


Each committee will consist of a committee chair, committee secretary, committee members, a National Student Executive Board liaison and an ACOFP staff liaison. The chair will have the responsibility of facilitating each meeting and the secretary will have the responsibility of keeping minutes for the meeting records. All meetings will be held via conference call at intervals determined by the committee chair during the committee term (June 2024 – April 2025).

The National Student Committee 2024-2025 application cycle has closed but there are also other opportunities to get more involved with ACOFP state societies, which are great networking sources. Please contact with questions.