ACOFP Leadership:
Meet the 2024-2025 ACOFP Resident Council
The ACOFP Resident Council consists of twelve representatives, elected leaders who act as regional representatives for resident members. The Resident Council’s goals are to facilitate involvement, leadership, and advocacy among residents and their respective state and regional facilities while serving as a bridge between professional organizations regarding resident needs.
On a national level, the Resident Council advocates for the concerns of residents by submitting resolutions to the ACOFP Congress of Delegates. Students may find the Council especially useful as a resource for guidance through the residency program selection and application process.
Selection criteria and processes for these roles are outlined and defined in the ACOFP Bylaws.

Region 1
Region 2:
Region 3:
Region 4:
Region 5:
Region 6:
Become a Resident Leader:
The Election Process
Elections are held in the spring of each year, with applications opening over the summer for the upcoming year.
Resident Council Responsibilities
- Present to the Board of Governors any unresolved problems arising within the resident membership of ACOFP pertinent to the welfare of the resident membership or ACOFP.
- Consider all recommendations from resident members.
- Present to the Board of Governors a quarterly summary of its activities, so prepared and approved by the Resident Council.