Give Back During ACOFP '23.

Every year during its annual convention, ACOFP provides attendees with a variety of opportunities to give back to the local community and the profession. Whether you join us for a fundraising event or a community service project or donate to a fund, there are plenty of ways you can contribute.

onePULSE Foundation
Established to create a sanctuary of hope following the tragedy of the Pulse nightclub mass shooting on Sunday, June 12, 2016, the onePULSE Foundation honors the 49 people killed and the 68 others who were injured, as well as the countless first responders and healthcare professionals who treated them by providing a fund aimed at memorializing those impacted and educating the community. The fund will support a memorial that opens hearts, a museum that opens minds, educational programs that open eyes, and legacy scholarships that open doors.

Contributions from generous individuals, foundations, corporations, and government entities directly support all of the National Pulse Memorial & Museum design, construction, land acquisition costs, operations, community education programs, and 49 Legacy Scholarships. In addition, there are five scholarships specifically for those in the healthcare field. This is a defining mission and healing initiative that the onePULSE Foundation hopes inspires supporters who share their vision and understand the solemn and sacred responsibility to which this community has been entrusted. For more information, including additional ways you can contribute, visit the onePULSE Foundation website.

Additional Fundraising Opportunities
In addition to the onePULSE Foundation, ACOFP '23 attendees are invited to donate to the following:

  • ACOFP Foundation  
  • ACOFP Auxiliary
  • Jeffrey Grove, DO, LGBTQ+ Pride Scholarship